Saturday, December 1, 2007

My Philosophy on Hugs

Hugging is a funny thing. As a member of the Masonick family, I hug a lot. We hug our family, our friends, anyone we are at least somewhat close with. We hug when we say hello. And we hug when we say goodbye. My mom always taught me the worthwhileness of hugs, what it really means to reach out and let another person know "i am here." The gift of touch and love all wrapped up in one.

There are good hugs and not so good hugs. The akward hugs when the person thinks they don't know you well enough, the half hugs from my teenage boy cousins who think it takes to much effort to really hold on tightly (which I then make them hug me again, for real this time I say), and the slightly distant hugs from people who never grew up hugging and enjoy their own personal space a little too much. But are these people missing out! Because a good strong hearted hug can change someones whole perspective around. Nothing beats a bad day then getting a full on embraced, tight squeeze hug from someone.

Certian people in my life who always give me the best warm hugs: my mom and my sister, Lauren, Kemy (whose hugs on a hard day surprisingly make me feel very loved and safe), my BCM friend Scotty, oma and opa, and cousin matty... to name a few

I would consider myself a pretty good hugger too :) I always like to give an extra squeeze and little smile! So if you're ever in need, whether the day be happy or sad, always know you can stop by and get a warm, friendly, joyful hug.

Hugs are a physical way of showing someone that they're loved, recognized, appreciated, and cared for.

1 comment:

lights of hope said...

hey, how r u?? hope doing great;
a great philosophy u have,i believe a nice smile can make a change, a big warm hug can change the world for a person,,,,100%
but sometimes the probs in life the pain can make it very hard,,,always having this fear that one day this person will hurt u after the love u gave
anyway,,,,just wanted to say,,,loved your philo and i hope u'll keep it for ever.
wishing u all the happiness in the world,
t c