Monday, July 30, 2007

we all have a choice.
live for today!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Fine Art of Shrinky Dinks

When my girlfriends and I were in middle school and High school the three of us always went to our favorite Camp Timber-lee for one week during the summer. Outside of the massive adventures on the lakeslide blog, having mud fights, skipping stones, dancing around to the worship band, making leather bracelets, and enjoying our "time away from home" ... we had one other favorite past time. Making shrink a dinks. These were little pieces of plastic that you could color and cut and make designs on and then stick in an oven and they would shrink to the size of a small key chain. Every summer we made loads of shrink a dinks and then used my periodically throughout the year.

This year one of my good friends is a camp counselor there and so i went to visit her and purchased some of the plastic for our memorable shrink a dinks. I colored them at home and then attempted to follow her instructions on how to shrink them. Unfortunatly all four of them ended up with huge bubbles right in the middle. Clearly shrink a dinks is a fine art that I as of now lack. But I will not give up! I am convinced to master the shrink a dinks and create a wonderful keychain. So tomorow, I will go to the crafts store and invest in some shrinkable plastic : )

isn't it funny how simple little cheap plastic could require such a fine skill, or that I am so persistent in this shrink a dinks creation that i will actually go to the hobby store. Sometimes I just laugh at myself. It's not that I'm a perfectionist. It's that I was looking foreward to carrying a shrink a dink around with me the entire year!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Summer Update

I love just hanging out with my friends. (literally)!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Where will I end up next year? Where will next year take me?

- back to Miami?

- transfering??

I can't wait to find out!

sometimes you just have to ask the question.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Good Attempts

Some days I find it rather difficult to get up and get moving :) As in the morning you always say after work I'll hit up the gym, seeing as how my working job requires minimal activity. But then after work you are so exhausted you can't get up the energy to go. Today I was planning on heading to the gym, but alas I forgot my gym shoes. So then I decided to get home and bike ride to my best friends house. Actually made it all the way to taking out my bike, finding the pump compressor, washing the bike, pumping up the first tire, and then the bike pump fuse broke! So alas, no exercise for Heidi today!

Oh well it was a good attempt :) tomorow- remember the gym shoes!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

My Personality DNA

You are a Dynamic Inventor.

My personalDNA Report

Friday, July 13, 2007

to those who know me well often know that I always have a random comment for the day hidden up my sleeve some where : )

How I'm Feeling These Days

Nail polish. Some think a simple shade to color a young girls fingers and toes with. I think a way to describe one's mood and general ambiance.

Today I'm Feeling:

chick flick cherry

these summer days are filled with the simple joys of just hanging out with the girl friends! sometimes it's nice to just sit back, put your feet up, and say "ahhh" with my gals without having any type of male distractions in life.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

you may notice a little change in colors.

i decided to liven it up a bit today for summer!

Life is good! And that's great!

I've come to beleive that there are some seasons of our lives that are full of change. These past two years have been one of those seasons for me. Change in family, change in addresses, change in friends, change in ambitions, change in motivations, change in direction, change in climate, and even change in car : ) . Yet, some things have remained steady... mainly God and my life values.
What's so funny though is that as we go through heavy seasons of change we don't know what to do with ourselves when the heavy gusts slow down. This summer has been great, relaxing, joyful, slightly humerous, and full of grand adventures. But at times I find myself feeling slightly "uncomfortable" because nothing heavy duty is taking place. There is no one momentous change occuring right now in my life to focus my energy on working out. I'm so used to CHANGE that I have particially forgotten how to JUST JOYFULLY BE and relax. It's quite the oxymoron, when life is full of challenges and changes we just want it to be normal and easy. And when life finally gets easy and relaxing we wonder if we are doing things right because aren't they supposed to be harder then this.

But I say no! I will enjoy this new season when everything falls into place! I will soak up every stage of life. Hello sun! Life is good! And that's great!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

once in a while, we all need a little inspiration.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

i must be on a driving craze latley, but here is a quick note i wrote to my sister. it describes us and our lives... perfectly!

the road that we are on has many trials and challaneges. we are different then the average driver. where the average driver only ventures out on the streets of their town and other roads well known, we (as the masonick sisters) drive off into the sunset on roads yet to be discovered. the highways we cruise down are unknown. and sure they are scary. we are never quite sure where the next exit is going to be and who we will meet there. and there is always the frightening chance of running out of gas. but heres the difference. while the average driver only sees the same landscape every day, we get to see new and better horizons. we get the chance to explore different places and to taste life to the utmost. sure the average driver doesn't go through as many challenges as we do, for they know where each road takes them and the near by pitt stops, but in the end our journeys are far more exciting and worth while. best of all, we get to travel them together.