Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Snapshots from the Girl's Weekend

Pineapple in the car!

pic w/ tree of life
i thought pluto had a thing for us ;)

"we have a thing for ferry boats" -grey's

Monday, April 28, 2008

Alice in Wonderland

My newly discovered hidden talent: a knack for finding doors. Mulling over things this weekend; this past year, decisions, ect. I realized that I am especially good at finding new opportunities and potential adventures. Big doors always seem to just appear in front of me. Doors that have the ability to bring me into a different world or significantly alter my path course. Examples: studying abroad in Australia, studing abroud in Italy, working for Lead America, taking a semester off, going on missions trips, spending the summer in Kenya. The list could go on and on. And while this is a blessing most of the time, it often puts me in a place of having to make tough decisions. Even harder is when I find the door and then for some reason it appears that God closes it. I never understood why He would close the door on such great opportunities. I'd look up at Him with hands in the air and say "doesn't this look good though?" I would get upset, hurt, and frusterated.

But now I've realized that it's a secret gift. Since so many doors just appear before me, I better expect God to shut some. Just because a door/ opportunity lays at your feet, doesn't mean it's worth walking through. And so I'm thankful that I have a Father who shuts doors and guides me so directly. It's a joy! Plus, how much more exciting is it when you find a little door off in the distance that opens perfectly when you come to it. That's where I'm at now, happy with the doors that are opening and I'm walking through.

Tribute to Laur

By all means, I have the best friends.

Lauren sent 4/27/2008 7:41 PM:
Hey I have tried to call you a few times but your phone said that "this party cannot be reached at this time" what gives? I am busily typing away in the library but I may need a break sometime this evening and would love to be entertained by delightful stories from your weekend adventure. I hope you are doing great. Laur

Lauren sent 4/27/2008 8:38 PM:
where are you?

Lauren sent 4/27/2008 9:11 PM:
hmmm.... still not here. :'( <---------------sad lonely Lauren
Lauren sent 4/27/2008 9:13 PM:
okay, maybe not that sad... more....a. :Lauren sent 4/27/2008 9:13 PM:
b. :0 surprized how easy it is to write this much!
Lauren sent 4/27/2008 9:14 PM:
c. :( un poco triste that I have not had a good chat with you in ages...
Lauren sent 4/27/2008 9:14 PM:
d. ;))boarder line slap happy
Lauren sent 4/27/2008 9:15 PM:
e. :/easliy distracted by these fun little faces that I never use in a regular conversation...
Lauren sent 4/27/2008 9:16 PM:
f. :(yawn)getting sleepy, I better get back to writing( another 4 pages should do it for tonight) so that I can get some chem done tonight (while it is still today) and get a bit o shut eye.

Friday, April 25, 2008

How to give a Knome Kiss

As a start, this will be the first summer that I officially am hanging up my nanny apron and turning it in for a professional buissness attire suitdress. That's right, after spending over 5 years of my life taking care of little kids I'm finding myself moving on. It's time for this girl to take some larger steps and enter the world of medicine, healthcare, flight, and buisness. And while I think, for the most part, I'm ready to move on and leave the apron behind until I one day have my own kids.. they've still taught me a lot about life.

Lessons Learned from being a Nanny
1. Little boys think that every where in nature is a toilet-- be prepared.
2. How to laugh uncontrollably about nothing all afternoon.
3. Spinning in circles makes for one dizzy person, but one happy heart.
4. Many a hours can be entertained by giving a little kid a paint brush and a bucket of water and telling them to paint the drive way.
5. Ask questions about everything and anything. Never underestimate the use of the word why.
6. When you color (or live), you don't always have to stay within the lines.
7. High class Cooking skills: pb&j, macaronni and cheese, sandwiches, chicken nuggets, rice, soup, smoothies, and hot dogs.
8. Tickling seems to help a lot if you are feeling sad
9. There is wonder and mystery in making ice cream sundays from scratch and getting to use a lot of whip cream
10. If you're feeling tired, go for a walk
11. All of the words to the Dora the Explorer, Diego, and Thomas the Train engine theme songs
12. The sipee cups with the rubber nozzels are difficult to put in and hard to wash, go for the white plastic ones.
13. The importance of hugs.
14. That nothing is more peaceful than having a little girl fall asleep on your chest. And then laying there for the next 2.5 hours, with your arms uncomfortably falling asleep, not moving an inch because you don't want to wake her up.
15. Putting on the radio and dancing to music all afternoon is actually a lot of fun.
16. Why spider man band aids are really so much better than the tan ones.
17. Setting rules and boundries is important. I'd now say I know how to discipline.
18. Nap time, it's not just for the kids (who would have thought).
19. That anything in life can be a grand adventure, as long as you have the right attitude.
20. Imagination takes you a long way.
21. Love to read books. Over. and Over. and Over again.
22. How to put on dress up wings, tutoos, and hats. Have a tea party. and not feel a tad bit self concious.
23. Dr. Seus books are WAY to long to read before bedtime.
24. If you are going to make cookies with the kids, realize that by the time you are done everyone will be covered in flour.
25. Detangle conditioner is a wonderful thing. Nothing is harder than brushing the hair of a little one that is full of knots and narls.
26. Where the best hiding spots in a house are for hide and go seek.
27. That just because we call an object something doesn't mean that we are right. For three years when asked what color something was, Alexis would always respond "blue"
28. Simple pleasures in life make for the happiest moments.
29. Changing diapers and cleaning up throw up isn't really that bad.
30. Boys can make anything into a gun.
31. Always check inside the oven before you turn it on. I've had a good couple plastic tupper ware dishes melt.
32. How to have conversations with anyone and everyone. Never be afraid. Just start talking. and talking. and talking.
33. For the majority of people, seeing kids puts a smile on their face.
34. Bookstores and libraries make great day trips.
35. When you want to play in the snow, realize that it is going to take a good thirty minutes to get everyone bundled up. Bonus point, make sure they use the bathroom before you have them dressed from head to toe in snow paints, mittens, scarfs, and boots. Double bonus points, be prepared to be the only person lugging the sled up the hill.

and my favorite.....

36. How to give a knome kiss.

There is a simplicity to little kids that I find highly delightful. But it's time to move on. Trade these tennis shoes and days in Crystal Lake in for some buisness heels and adventures in Boston, DC, San Diego, and San Francisco.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chris Miller's (the sister's boy) definition of a Masonick girl:

domestification, but just not too much. The quick female wit and independance is quite attractive and fun!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Funny thoughts on the day: (part two)

Heidi: Kemy and Tricia you have to listen to my my facebook status, it's wonderful! "studying microbiology makes me want to activate my dendritic cells, which would activate my cytotoxic T cells to release granules and undergo phagocytosis, which would eventually head to apoptosis."

Kemy: Wow.

Tricia: Heidi, I love the fact that you always think your facebook status is so hilarious and fantastic... and no one else knows what it means.

Heidi: here, let me read it slower to you.

Tricia: Saying it slower is like yelling at a deaf person, it's not going to make any difference.


Heidi: is the facebook invite for fuel up yet?

Tricia: I love in the time it takes for me to send out the invite and switch back to the main event page people have already responded. Clearly, no one has anything better to do than spend the evening on facebook.

Funny thoughts on the day: part one

Rules of the Road in Miami

Red means: make a left hand turn after sitting out in the intersection

yellow means: speed faster through the light. do not by anymeans slow down until the light changes to red.

green means: go

left arrow means: change into the right hand lane
right arrow means: watch out because I want to cross four lanes of traffic and make this high way exit right now! aka... the miami slide

yield means: could you say that in spanish? wait, I actually thought it was just a pretty triangle on the side of the road.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


a word we often hear and think we know the meaning of, but then never actually truely define.

solidarity: union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests; sympathies among members of a group

It's like going on a missions trip to another country where they have a Domino's pizza. Solidarity means not eating at that Domino's because the people you are helping can't afford to eat there. Or not going to the mainstream beach in Hati because the people of Hati can't go to the beach.

or even something as simple as wearing your glasses instead of contacts because your best friend has an eye infection and has to wear her glasses for the next seven days.

hello marroon red glasses! solidarity sister :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I've managed to get only two things checked off the to do list today out of 6. Maybe it's time to reflect on distractions so as to not allow them to happen again :) sure...

List of distracting things one can do in a day instead of studying microbiology:

1. Talk on the phone with Lauren
2. clean up bedroom
3. Talk in person with Tricia
4. Eat ice cream with Suzzette
5. Talk on the phone with emma
6. take a half an hour nap
7. talk on the phone with Beth
8. redecorate door
9. check out funny websites recommended by the sister: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/
10. bring out the tool box and fix Tricia's closet door
11. make more Crystal Light
12. write a blog entry

all i can say is thank goodness all the items on my to do list typically aren't "due" for a week.
tomorow's goal: less distractions

last minute addition (reposted about 2 hours later): change that 2 things off check list to 4. :)

Matthew 6:25-34

Therefor I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do now sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do no labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying 'What shall we eat' or 'What shall we drink' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Therefore do no worry about tomorow, for tomorow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

C- Note

when two violins are placed in the same room if a chord on one violin is struck, the other violin sounds the same note.

hope: for everyone who knows how powerful we are. That just by playing the strings of music in our own hearts, we can stir up the same melodies in the people around us.

sing life into the day.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Since it's too early to actually go out and buy them..

it's a proven fact that having fresh flowers around the house is supposed to decrease your stress level, and generally brighten your day.

in the mood for either gerber daisies or sunflowers.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Have you smelled your library lately?

In the midst of writing/ researching my paper I've had to spend a lot of time at the University library, paticullarly the stacks. It's been a while since I've had to venture up to that wing of the building. A while since I've had to load on the small elevator on the second floor and wait as it takes me to the forbidden quiet zone.

But as the doors opened a surprising thought crossed my mind. I breathed in deeply and it hit me... I love the smell of the library. No, not the dusty or moldy smell that people would normally associate with stacks of books. But the clean invigorating smell. The scent of the books is almost palpable.

Now, I wouldn't go as far as wanting to purchase a room fragerance "scent of library." People would come over and explain .. your house smells... nerdy. It's just a small little thing in the world that I happen to enjoy while getting work done.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Brainstorm Debate

Attempting to narrow down the topic choice for my research paper in my Teaching and Learning: Foundations of Education course.

Thesis: pick any controversial issue in education

Brainstormed List of Topics of Interest

1. No Child Left Behind *
2. Rising college Costs- costs of education
3. Educating “gifted” students *
4. Business role in education, corporation donations
5. Charter schools- school vouchers *
6. Bilingual education
7. Testing in schools- standardized tests *
8. Home school debate *
9. AP and IB programs
10. Grade inflation *
11. Increase in autism
12. Year round schools

* indicates the issues I'm leaning towards
Any thoughts?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Something about being a Masonick Girl

Emily: "If smart is hot, I think therefore I am."
We were raised to think this way. That's what occurs when you grow up in a famiy where the women are all either entrepreneurs or administrators. The biggest blessing- that they are all loving and caring moms at the same time. It's difficult to mix a sense of drive and ambition with an equal call to raise a family and be attentive at home. Yet, the Masonick women stood up to the task and provided excellent role models. In our weekly phone conversations Emma and I constantly agree, "there's something special about being a Masonick girl."