Friday, October 31, 2008

HapPy HAlloWeEn!

Who would have thought that my mom would send an e-mail such as this!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

the 3 D's


although I didn't go to sleep last night until around 2am, and still haven't officially caught up from my early morning at the hospital at 4 am on Wednesday, I still find myself waking up and forcefully rolling out of bed at 8:30 to start working and plugging away. I always seem to get more work done in the morning and that way I can take it a little easier the rest of the day when the "normal" people in my life are up.

:) have to say it's definitely growing me to become well disciplined -- diligence, dedication, disciple

ps. I am still jealous of my best friend/roomate still being asleep at 9:30 though, I often wonder if others were put in a situation similar to mine if they would be able to wake up and start pushing right away

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Encouraging Notes

I woke up this morning to find myself tagged in a note written by one of my students from Lead America. She entitled the post "My Heros."

*Heidi- She was my amazing TL at the Lead America conference. I learned soo much from her about myself, about medicine and healthcare, about life and about how to be a leader. She was soo nice to me, she cared about me when no one else did which really meant a lot to me. Whenever I was down she would check on me and wouldn't accept an "I'm fine for an answer. She would pester me until I spoke and discussed my problems. In the end it made me feel a lot better. After we talked I usually left our conversations feeling like I was on top of the world and nothing could bring me down. I left the conference with confidence in myself to be myself and with someone who cares about me. Not a bad deal. HEIDI Rocks.

:) stuff like that keeps me going

Friday, October 10, 2008

Busy making it fall in my bedroom today. I've decided that if I have to work on the computer all day, then I might as well make it a friendly enviroment. My computer battery dies too fast and since there aren't any plugs outside for me to work.....

opened up the window wide, and turned my ceiling fan on high.

fresh air, cool breeze

:) all i need is a potted plant sitting on my desk, and it'd be great!