Sunday, November 11, 2007

Today's Currentlys

Currently reviewing: Sarah Groves new CD; track- song for my sons

"This is a song for my sons for when they understand it,
You know how life is full you know we couldn't plan it
your dad and I prayed for strength and understanding for things we couldn't see or comprehend This is a song for you, to carry in your pocket
take all our love with you in all the paths you walk in
I can't say your life will always go like it should but I can say that God is always good

and when the cold wind blows like I know it will
and when you feel alone like I know you will
Don't let your love grow cold

This is a song from my heart a small refrain to hold you
for times when we're apart and I cannot console you
Be honest with yourself and don't forget to pray and read your bible everyday"

I don't know why, but it kinda speaks to my heart.

Currently thinking about purchasing: a keyboard to practice my new piano skills on

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