Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sweet Home Chicago

The number one thing that I am grateful for; family. That I can wake up early in the morning and hop in the car and go straight over to my aunt marcia and uncle jeffs house for breakfast. That I get to be close to each one of my cousins in their own special way, I can squeeze them and hug them and kiss them as much as I want. It's pratically like having 10 brothers and sisters. That at 8am on saturday, I'll be christmas tree hunting with 3 of my cousins, uncle mark, and aunt chris. That on any given night I can say "my mom and I are headed over to my aunt and uncles house." That each holiday is more that just a day in which we drive a few hours to get together with everyone. We all see eachother so often anyways that holidays are even more special. Everyone dresses up, we have a big feast, and lots of laughs. With each holiday comes its traditions. Thanksgiving for example: uncle dee standing with an apron on and cutter in hand over the turkey while each grandchild stands in line waiting for a piece of the turkey skin, matty burning the buns every year, all 20 of us saying our prayer and oma always adding a few extra lines, going around the table and saying what we are thankful for in the year. Hearing every single member say "that our family is so close."

I come from a unique family. Kinda Crazy and Cooky at times, but completely loveable! It's a blessing that they all live within 20 minutues and that we are all so close. That my uncles look at me and my sister as their little girls. That I can curl up on the couch with my auntie and watch Grey's Anatomy. That I can spend lots of time at my oma and opa's house. As much as I try I just can't summerize the relationships and bonds of my family. Its actually one of the gifts I look most foreward to sharing with my future guy one day. The laughter, joy, and special memories that come along with being a member in such a big, warm, close family.

Below captures are just a little snapshot of our thanksgiving feast today. to set the story up, i have to do a photography project on feet for one of my college classes. Suddenly the whole family wanted to get involved! Uncle Mark and his creative feet...

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