Friday, April 25, 2008

How to give a Knome Kiss

As a start, this will be the first summer that I officially am hanging up my nanny apron and turning it in for a professional buissness attire suitdress. That's right, after spending over 5 years of my life taking care of little kids I'm finding myself moving on. It's time for this girl to take some larger steps and enter the world of medicine, healthcare, flight, and buisness. And while I think, for the most part, I'm ready to move on and leave the apron behind until I one day have my own kids.. they've still taught me a lot about life.

Lessons Learned from being a Nanny
1. Little boys think that every where in nature is a toilet-- be prepared.
2. How to laugh uncontrollably about nothing all afternoon.
3. Spinning in circles makes for one dizzy person, but one happy heart.
4. Many a hours can be entertained by giving a little kid a paint brush and a bucket of water and telling them to paint the drive way.
5. Ask questions about everything and anything. Never underestimate the use of the word why.
6. When you color (or live), you don't always have to stay within the lines.
7. High class Cooking skills: pb&j, macaronni and cheese, sandwiches, chicken nuggets, rice, soup, smoothies, and hot dogs.
8. Tickling seems to help a lot if you are feeling sad
9. There is wonder and mystery in making ice cream sundays from scratch and getting to use a lot of whip cream
10. If you're feeling tired, go for a walk
11. All of the words to the Dora the Explorer, Diego, and Thomas the Train engine theme songs
12. The sipee cups with the rubber nozzels are difficult to put in and hard to wash, go for the white plastic ones.
13. The importance of hugs.
14. That nothing is more peaceful than having a little girl fall asleep on your chest. And then laying there for the next 2.5 hours, with your arms uncomfortably falling asleep, not moving an inch because you don't want to wake her up.
15. Putting on the radio and dancing to music all afternoon is actually a lot of fun.
16. Why spider man band aids are really so much better than the tan ones.
17. Setting rules and boundries is important. I'd now say I know how to discipline.
18. Nap time, it's not just for the kids (who would have thought).
19. That anything in life can be a grand adventure, as long as you have the right attitude.
20. Imagination takes you a long way.
21. Love to read books. Over. and Over. and Over again.
22. How to put on dress up wings, tutoos, and hats. Have a tea party. and not feel a tad bit self concious.
23. Dr. Seus books are WAY to long to read before bedtime.
24. If you are going to make cookies with the kids, realize that by the time you are done everyone will be covered in flour.
25. Detangle conditioner is a wonderful thing. Nothing is harder than brushing the hair of a little one that is full of knots and narls.
26. Where the best hiding spots in a house are for hide and go seek.
27. That just because we call an object something doesn't mean that we are right. For three years when asked what color something was, Alexis would always respond "blue"
28. Simple pleasures in life make for the happiest moments.
29. Changing diapers and cleaning up throw up isn't really that bad.
30. Boys can make anything into a gun.
31. Always check inside the oven before you turn it on. I've had a good couple plastic tupper ware dishes melt.
32. How to have conversations with anyone and everyone. Never be afraid. Just start talking. and talking. and talking.
33. For the majority of people, seeing kids puts a smile on their face.
34. Bookstores and libraries make great day trips.
35. When you want to play in the snow, realize that it is going to take a good thirty minutes to get everyone bundled up. Bonus point, make sure they use the bathroom before you have them dressed from head to toe in snow paints, mittens, scarfs, and boots. Double bonus points, be prepared to be the only person lugging the sled up the hill.

and my favorite.....

36. How to give a knome kiss.

There is a simplicity to little kids that I find highly delightful. But it's time to move on. Trade these tennis shoes and days in Crystal Lake in for some buisness heels and adventures in Boston, DC, San Diego, and San Francisco.

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