Friday, April 11, 2008

Have you smelled your library lately?

In the midst of writing/ researching my paper I've had to spend a lot of time at the University library, paticullarly the stacks. It's been a while since I've had to venture up to that wing of the building. A while since I've had to load on the small elevator on the second floor and wait as it takes me to the forbidden quiet zone.

But as the doors opened a surprising thought crossed my mind. I breathed in deeply and it hit me... I love the smell of the library. No, not the dusty or moldy smell that people would normally associate with stacks of books. But the clean invigorating smell. The scent of the books is almost palpable.

Now, I wouldn't go as far as wanting to purchase a room fragerance "scent of library." People would come over and explain .. your house smells... nerdy. It's just a small little thing in the world that I happen to enjoy while getting work done.

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