Friday, May 2, 2008

Up and At Em

As summertime draws nearer day by day, I am getting better at sleeping in. For the past four months the internal/external alarm clock has been set for 7am. It seemed that as soon as the sun would shine a glimmer of light through my bedroom window, my heart felt it was time to get up and sieze the day. I give it credit though, I did have 8am classes every morning. And there is something nice about waking up early with the bright yellow sun. I find myself able to accomplish so many more things, and I love having the morning all to myself. To sit with my thoughts, and God's thoughts, and Chris Tomlin's soft worship music in the background. No one else to think of, no projects/assignments to get done, no to do list that must be started that minute.

But now -with only one more test left -I'm able to stay cuddled up in my bed and permanatly hit the off button on my ipod alarm clock. Nothing compares to softly waking up to the the birds tweeting outside, uncurling my body out from underneathe my massively large down comforter, opening up my eyes just a tiny little bit, and deciding whether I want to get up and stretch and welcome the day or go back into hiding for another 15 minutes.

I'll still get my morning quiet time with God. It will just be pushed back another hour or so ;)

and while we're talking about mornings, I'm thinking a trip to the grocery store to make banana pancakes one morning is definitely a neccesity!

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