Wednesday, January 23, 2008

- the semester just started up, which provides for my absense

one of my goals for this spring 08: to put myself out there, try things that i really want to do that are outside of my comfort zone, things i don't think I can do.

what i've done

- picked up chm2 as an elective (which is quite a feet seeing as how thats something I just never gave myself the credit that I could do. I convinced myself so heavily that it was just too much for me. But i finally took down that lie, took a deep breathe, and said "you know what, I am smart enough to take this class."

- went to a random night worship session by the lake with random people

- went to the first Inspiration Concert Choir rehersal. So it's basically a black gospel choir on campus, and I was the only white girl there. but it was awesome! put me in a completely different enviroment. and my heart felt so refreshed to be branching out.

lesson learned: swallow that voice that says no, just stay where your comfortable, don't wander out.... and just push yourself to go to the first meeting, sign up for the class, ect. you're not commiting to it. But you can't say no until you've given it a chance.

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