Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My favorite smell

Nothing beats the smell of dew, mud, trees, and wetness of everything defrosting.

After spending about 3 weeks in the "frozen tundra" that is my home town (where the temperature fell well below -5 degress on most mornings) I began to remember why I enjoy going to school in the sunshine state.

But then the weather changed. All of a sudden the temperature rose up to about 60 degrees, and while the day is still cloudy and very wet, I am drawn not to leave. I become captivated by simply stepping out of my front door and am enticed by the aroma I call "midwestern spring." It's the smell of forests. The smell of trees and grass. The smell of fresh mud. The smell of cloudy days. The smell when everything is finally able to breathe again after being covered by the snow for so many weeks.

We don't have that smell in florida. Nothing even comes close to it. And while I know that the days are bound to get cold once more, that spring isn't really on its way just yet, I don't want to go back to school. I want to stay and slip on my rain boots and splash in the mud.

Reason number 1 why I can't live in florida after college.

I'm simply a midwestern girl... who loves the smell of the forest

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