Sunday, April 29, 2007

Crying is the Soul's Release

Sometime's everyone just needs a good cry. The topic of the tears isn't important, it's just that you cry and release that energy. Today I had tears of joy, hope, saddness, and ambition. I came home after dropping one of my best friends off at the airport and, without knowing why, burst into tears. Tears raging down my face. Dripping down my pants. Saltyness on my lips. I couldn't hold it back and when I tried to I just ended up crying harder.

I think it's because this year so much has changed. My friends, my family, my life. And sometimes we just wonder if we are making the right decisions. With all the adventures, friends, and choices I had to make this year was it all for the best? But the fact of the matter is that there are no right answers. As long as we are living each day to our best abilities, searching after God, and directly living life then we are doing really well. Better than most. And so you just embrace all the emotions that come with it.

So, I just went ahead, sat back... and let the tears run. Gave them free will over my life.

True: crying is the soul's release

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