Sunday, September 9, 2007

This Education

the new knowledge recently added since starting sophomore year:

  • guten morgan! wie geht es dire? Serh gut, danke. Ich heisse Heidi. Wohnt komme aus Chicago. Wo wohne in Miami jetzi. Ich habe im Oktober Gebutstag. Ich bin fit, intelligent, und ich bin guter launde. tshusse!
  • how to develope film in a dark room
  • enough piano skills to play "Give my Regards to Broadway
  • human growth and development taught me that I come from a "dysfuntional family," but then again who doesn't : ).... also Healthy People 2010 (USA initiviate for health)
  • how to properly constract a frequency distribution and calculate z scores
  • and most importantly: when when a person gets very very very scared they sometimes have the possiblity of peeing in their pants (you see it all has to do with the auntomic sympathetic part of the nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" reaction and sets the body into motion. When that happens the bladder muscles relax and the sphincer holds. However, when the frightening situation is over the parasympthetic nervous system kicks and and that causes the bladder muscles to contract, therefore the emptying of the bladder. One might also note that Inow am aware of the receptors located in our nervous system synpases.

Just thought I'd give you some morning education!

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