Monday, August 20, 2007

Room of Life

On the outside, a room seems like a very simple thing. Four walls. Some windows. Maybe a few cabinets. Not that much going on.

But, on the inside I think a room reveals a lot about a person. The colors, decorations, style are all little well kept secrets that in the end speak together to mysteriously uncover the heart of a person. Take my new dorm room for instance. Come enter with me and glance around....

two princess crowns
a picture of my mom and my sister by my desk
a life is a good sticker hanging up on the wall
green curtians with pink bed sheets
a little miss sunshine book
a tiny cherish bear joyfully sitting right next to my computer
a cross and candel side by side
froggy slippers
a new mexico wind chime
skwirt gun
God's will Box
an angel ornament
and the list could go on and on

alone these things don't mean that much. but together they offer a tiny glance into what makes me tick. each item has a special meaning and a special purpose. if you really want to get to know a person don't ask them the random questions. instead take time to sit in their room and ask them what each paticular item means. more will be unconvered than any conversation could.

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