Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Fine Art of Shrinky Dinks

When my girlfriends and I were in middle school and High school the three of us always went to our favorite Camp Timber-lee for one week during the summer. Outside of the massive adventures on the lakeslide blog, having mud fights, skipping stones, dancing around to the worship band, making leather bracelets, and enjoying our "time away from home" ... we had one other favorite past time. Making shrink a dinks. These were little pieces of plastic that you could color and cut and make designs on and then stick in an oven and they would shrink to the size of a small key chain. Every summer we made loads of shrink a dinks and then used my periodically throughout the year.

This year one of my good friends is a camp counselor there and so i went to visit her and purchased some of the plastic for our memorable shrink a dinks. I colored them at home and then attempted to follow her instructions on how to shrink them. Unfortunatly all four of them ended up with huge bubbles right in the middle. Clearly shrink a dinks is a fine art that I as of now lack. But I will not give up! I am convinced to master the shrink a dinks and create a wonderful keychain. So tomorow, I will go to the crafts store and invest in some shrinkable plastic : )

isn't it funny how simple little cheap plastic could require such a fine skill, or that I am so persistent in this shrink a dinks creation that i will actually go to the hobby store. Sometimes I just laugh at myself. It's not that I'm a perfectionist. It's that I was looking foreward to carrying a shrink a dink around with me the entire year!

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