Monday, June 25, 2007

LiVe wiTH paSSion!

Often times there are big events in our life that we wait or plan for. They can be small and simple like a day off of work, or they can be big like leaving for a vacation, going back to school, or having a close friend come visit. We tell ourselves as long as I can make it until then it'll be okay, or we simply plan on those days being full of fun and adventures.

But my question for today is: what about all the other days in between?

It's not enough for me to want these next three days to fly by so that I can have thursday off. Or to want this month to fly by so I can see my close friends again. I'm not content simply waiting for the "next big event."

I want everyday to be filled with excitement, passion, energy, and to be meaningful. I want to find purpose in everyday. To not think about the days ahead and say "if I can just make it until then." But instead to say "what an amazing day today is." The difficulty in this comes from the mundaness of the average work day. We fail to realize the impact we have in people's lives or to find the small excitement and purposes that fill every hour of every minute. We forget to be in love with the day because we are so used to the routine. What used to be energizing and different is now just average.

Not anymore. Awaken my soul!

I'm living with passion!

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