Friday, June 22, 2007

Fueling the Race

Recently, I read an interesting article from Time Magazine about the Senate's new approaches to the ever increasing fuel dilenma.,8599,1636445,00.html

The article discuesses how the Senate hopes to increase the use of ethanol fuel, support the research of hybrid cars, change the fuel economy 35 miles per gallon, and decrease the total oil consumption of the United States.

My one question: what is taking so long? With the prices of gas on an ever increasing escpade ranging anywhere from 3.07 a gallon to 3.59 a gallon, American drivers need help and they need it fast. I am often astonished that although we know the oil is running out, there is no more pressure being placed on inventors to develope alternative sources of transportation and fuel. While I am certianly not highly educated on the matter I still am slightly worried about it. All this as the amount of money set aside for gas each week in my acount continues to rise higher and higher.

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