Monday, March 5, 2007

Ordinary Heros

Heros are those who have learned that by experiencing life's heartaches we all come to know the importance of tenderness, and that in the echo of broken dreams the human instinct for compassion wil come forward, welcoming those who need it's blessing.

Heros experience life deeply. They conquer fear by embracing each moment, and their freedom to be right here, right now.

We know heroes by the light they cast. Their shimmering presense may walk beside us for a while, or pass through us quickly. No matter how long their stay, their guidance brightens our lives and leaves a mark on us forever.

Caregivers, doctors, and nurses are often heroes, sharing not only their skill and knowledge, but also lending us a caring shoulder. They make a profound difference in the quality of our lives and the lives of those we love. (thats me)

With their strength of purpose and a thirst for truth, they move beyond traditional logic. With their passionate will, they create ideas that can change the course of humanity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! i'm glad you liked it!